NIST Center for Neutron Research

Student Presentations

Section 1 - Student Presentations

For Section 1 of the 2011 summer school, the students will give 2 minute presentations describing their research and/or the research of their group. Each student will present a single slide, with the order of talks TBD.

Students should send their single slide to Brian Kirby no later than June 6, 2011. The presentations are scheduled for Monday, June 13.

Section 2 - Poster Session

The NSF/NCNR Summer School Section 2 will hold a Student Poster Presentation Session. The purpose of the presentation is to offer a unique opportunity to share with the staff of the NCNR and NIST and other Summer School participants, your research and/or the research of your group.

The posters will be displayed the week of the summer school to provide more time for discussion of the science or potential experiments.

Poster Guidelines