Mlayer plot

 PLP    Plot profile on screen.  Data are saved in file
 PRF    Plot reflectivity on screen.  Data are saved in file
 MVc    Enter a parameter name and watch as the reflectivity varies with
        that parameter.  Choose c to be one of R, D, I or P.  R plots the
        reflectivity, D plots the ratio of successive frames of reflectivity
        to the first frame, I plots the ratio of successive frames, P plots
        the profile, and is the default.
 MVFc   Plots a movie of the last fit progression.  Choose c as in MV.
 MVXc   Plots a movie of parameters tabulated in a file.  Choose c as in
        MV.  The file is formatted with a line that begins with # followed
        by a list of parameters to vary, separated with spaces.  The
        following lines (1 per frame) list the values to use for each
        respective parameter, again separated with spaces.

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