![]() College Park, Maryland June 6 - 10 , 2004 |
Neutron Scattering Tutorials
The conference has organized three different tutorials on neutron scattering, the NCNR Summer School Lectures, a tutorial on Residual Stress and Mechanical Behavior, and a tutorial on Pair Distribution Function (PDF) analysis of diffraction data These sessions will start at 1 PM Sunday afternoon and will run in parallel. There is no charge for attendance, but please indicate your interest on the registration form if you want to attend one so that we will know how many people to expect. Please also note that the NCNR Summer School Lectures are required for people who are accepted into the hands-on part of the training that immediately follows the conference.
Conference registration is mandatory to attend the tutorials.NCNR Summer School Lectures
A series of introductory lectures in neutron scattering techniques and applications will be presented at the conference site on Sunday afternoon, June 6th, as part of the NIST 10th annual Summer School on Neutron Scattering. These lectures will cover fundamental concepts underlying the theory and practice of neutron scattering and are intended for those with little or no experience with the technique. They are open to anyone attending the ACNS meeting.Topics to be covered in the Sunday tutorial lectures include:
- Fundamentals of Small-Angle Neutron Scattering - Charles Glinka, NIST
- Neutron Reflectometry: Theory and Practice - Chuck Majkrzak, NIST
- Methods and Applications of Neutron Spectroscopy - Dan Neumann, NIST
- Membrane Diffraction - David Worcester, University of Missouri
In addition to the Sunday lectures, there will be reserved space for approximately 32 participants who will continue with the hands-on part of the NCNR summer school in Gaithersburg on June 10-12, which will focus this year on SANS and Reflectometry. The summer school is organized by the Center for High Resolution Neutron Scattering that is jointly funded by the NIST Center for Neutron Research and the National Science Foundation. Travel and subsistence support is available for those attending the full summer school. Those interested in attending the entire summer school may apply at the NCNR Summer School on Neutron Small-Angle Scattering and Reflectometry web site.
Questions concerning the summer school may be addressed to Dr. Charles Glinka at cglinka@nist.gov.Introduction to Neutron Diffraction Studies of Residual Stress and Mechanical Behaviors
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Mechanical behavior and residual strain mapping have become major fields of study at nearly every neutron source. Dedicated instruments are available or under construction at most facilities. Mechanical behavior studies incorporate use of load frames and optionally furnaces on the neutron diffractometer to study the grain to grain interactions of materials as a function of load and temperature. These studies have expanded rapidly in recent years with the establishment of 2nd generation facilities such as SMARTS at Los Alamos. Engineering studies based on strain mapping are becoming more widely used by industry and academic engineers and will likely expand as international standards for such measurements are established. The tutorial aims to provide the essential information for an interested scientist or engineer to use these techniques and to understand the interrelationship between them.Topics to be covered included:
- Introduction to the study of residual strains and mechanical behavior by neutron diffraction
- Data analysis approaches and demonstrations for handling data from reactor and spallation sources
- Role of modeling in interpreting the experimental data
Invited lecturers and tentative titles:
- Introduction to Neutron Diffraction (by. Dr. Tom Holden, Northern Stress Technologies, Canada)
- Strain Measurements at Reactor Sources (by Dr. Ron Rogge, Chalk River Laboratories, Canada)
- Structural Materials Science at a Time-of-Flight Neutron Source (by Dr. Don Brown, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)
- Theoretical Modeling (by Dr. Mark Daymond, ISIS, UK)
The tutorial is intended for students, faculty, and industrial scientists who are considering using neutron scattering for residual strain mapping and mechanical behavior studies. The tutorial is sponsored by the University of Tennessee's International Materials Institute (IMI) program . Advanced Neutron Scattering netWorking Education and Research (IMI-ANSWER) sponsored by NSF. Students from US institutions who need travel assistance to attend can request support by contacting Dr. Hahn Choo.Local Atomic Structure Using Neutron Pair Distribution Function (PDF) Analysis
This tutorial will cover theory and practice of the study of disorder in crystals and the study of nanocrystalline materials using real-space atomic pair distribution function (PDF) techniques, with the emphasis being on PDFs obtained from neutron diffraction data. Lectures will include overview and fundamentals, experimental methods, methods of data analysis and modeling. We intend that the latter lectures will include a "walk-through" of a typical data analysis and modeling. CD's of the software and examples will be given to participants who can follow the walk-through on a laptop if available.
The tutorial will be at a level appropriate for a research-active graduate student or more senior researcher new to the subject. Please contact Simon Billinge or Thomas Proffen for more information.
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