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NCNR Summer School

Neutron Small Angle Scattering
and Reflectometry from Submicron Structures

National Institute of Standards and Technology

June 3-7, 2002


The following documents can be either downloaded or viewed in a PDF format (readable with Adobe Acrobat)*. To download the latest version of Acrobat Reader


What Can be Measured with SANS and Reflectometry (PDF format) (2.0 MB)
Fundamentals of Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (PDF Format) (0.16 MB)
SANS from Polymers (PDF Format) (4.1 MB)
SANS Experiment: Clay Suspension (PDF Format) (0.4 MB)
SANS Calculation Tools on the Web (PDF Format) (0.3 MB)
SANS Experiment: Phase Separation in a Polymer Blend (PDF Format) (0.3 MB)


Analyzing Neutron Specular Reflectivity (PDF Format)
Neutron Reflectometry Studies of Thin Films and Multilayered Materials (1.7 MB) (PDF Format)

*Note: Some PDF documents can only be read by Adobe Acrobat 4.0 or greater.

Last modified 19-July-2002 by website owner: NCNR (attn: )