
Copy reflfit / reflpol / reflred to your desktop.

To run reflfit/reflpol/reflred, simply click on the icon.

To reduce data in reflred, you will first need to install Octave from octave-forge. Use the latest version of octave-forge-windows (2.1.50 as of this writing).

Once octave is installed, click the octave icon to run, and start the octave server using the command


Mac OS X

Copy reflfit / reflpol / reflred to your home directory. This will probably require Ctrl-Click in your browser.

You will need to start an X11 server (the BLT graphing package does not support Aqua). This should also pop up a terminal. In the terminal window, you will need change the file to an executable:

	chmod a+x ~/refl{fit,pol,red}

Now cd to your data directory and type ~/reflfit, ~/reflpol or ~/reflred to run the program.

To reduce data in reflred, you will first need to install Octave and octave-forge. Fink has pre-built binaries.

Once octave is installed, start octave then start the octave server using the command



We have prebuilt binaries for Linux (reflfit / reflpol / reflred) and Irix (reflfit / reflpol / reflred). Copy them to your home directory. This will probably require Right-Click in your browser.

You will need change the file to an executable:

	chmod a+x ~/refl{fit,pol,red}

Now cd to your data directory and type ~/reflfit, ~/reflpol or ~/reflred to run the program.

To run reflred, you will first need to install Octave and octave-forge. Many linux systems have pre-built binaries. For IRIX, you will have to build from source (information is available on the octave wiki).

Once octave is installed, start octave then start the octave server using the command


Build from source

First download and unpack the reflectometry source tree.

You may need to build and install Tcl/Tk, BLT, TkTable, BWidget and TkCon. Instructions for building these are in README.freewrap in the reflectometry source tree. Note that you won't need to build freewrap itself, so ignore the instructions for building zip.

Once you have built Tcl follow the instructions in README in the reflectometry source tree for building a new ARCH directory and Makeconf. Use the command

	make ARCH/refl{red,fit,pol}.tcl
to build the Tcl scripts. Move this scripts somewhere into your path without the .tcl extension.

To run, cd to your data directory and type ~/reflfit, ~/reflpol or ~/reflred.

To run reflred, you will first need to install Octave and octave-forge. Instructions are available on the octave wiki. Normally octave-forge does not install extra/soctcl. Follow the instructions in extra/soctcl/README for building your own soctcl#.#.tar.gz and unpack it in your Tcl library directory.

Once octave is installed, start octave then start the octave server using the command


Paul Kienzle