Downloading and running the "Cross sections calculator" application




  1. If you do not already have the (free) IDL Virtual Machine on your computer you should download it. Go to and follow the instructions.


  1. Obtain the file and unzip it to C:\. This will create the folder C:\vm_xsecs which has 5 files in it. Move the shortcut file "Cross sections calculator" to the desktop.


  1. Determine where the IDL executable file idlrt.exe is located.

·        If you chose the default folder when you downloaded the IDL Virtual Machine, idlrt.exe will be in the correct folder and no further action is required.

·        If idlrt.exe is located in the folder C:\RSI\IDL60\bin\bin.x86\, no further action is required.

·        If idlrt.exe is not in the folder C:\RSI\IDL60\bin\bin.x86\, the "Cross sections calculator" shortcut file must be edited. To edit the shortcut proceed as follows:


  1. To run the "Cross sections calculator" application, double click on the Desktop shortcut. Click "click to continue" button to continue.The help file is in pdf format and to read it the application needs to know the name and location of your pdf reader. Go to the pdf reader menu item to define your pdf reader. To look at the help file go to the menu item Information and select Program description.