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Relaxation, structure and transport in nanocomposite polymer electrolytes

Marie-Louise Saboungi, Centre de Recherche sur la Matière Divisée, Orléans, France

I will review recent results obtained in the emerging field of nanocomposite polymer electrolytes with a special emphasis on the relaxation properties. Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO), compounded with various lithium salts, forms ion.conducting polymers with a number of potential technological applications such as advanced batteries, sensors and electrochromics. Ionic conductivity is a key factor in optimum tailoring of the electrolytes to fit such applications. The lithium ions connect the ionic transport with the dynamic disorder of the polymer chains by forming cross-links between the chain segments. Confined and composite materials exhibit further complexity. Neutron sources play a key role elucidating the relationship between the macroscopic transport properties and the atomic structure and dynamics that come into play at different length and time scales.

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