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Electronic competing phases and their magnetic field dependence in electron-doped Pr0.88LaCe0.12CuO4±x (PLCCO)

Hye Jung Kang, Department of Physics, University of Tennessee

The interplay between the competing phases in high-Tc superconductivity has been one of the important issues in condensed matter physics and intensive work has been done on this topic both experimentally and theoretically. Previous field-induced effects on hole-doped LSCO and electron-doped NCCO suggest that the antiferromagnetism competes with superconductivity. In the Pr system we find that quasi-2 dimensional commensurate antiferromagnetism coexists with superconductivity and 3 dimensional antiferromagnetism. To determine whether the antiferromagnetism is the competing order in high-Tc cuprates regardless hole or electron-doping, we performed field-induced experiments on electron-doped superconductor PLCCO (x=0.12) by applying magnetic fields both along the c-direction and in the ab-plane. The anisotropy of the field-induced moment demonstrates the competing nature of these two order parameters.

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