Publishing NSE Data

Acknowledgement Information

Publications and talks with results obtained using NSE should include the following or similar acknkowledgement of NSF support for CHRNS.

Access to the Neutron Spin Echo Spectrometer was provided by the Center for High Resolution Neutron Scattering, a partnership between the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the National Science Foundation under Agreement No. DMR-1508249.

In addition, the following (or similar) acknowledgement is expected to appear in all publications of work done at the NCNR that do not explicitly have a coauthor from the NCNR.

We acknowledge the support of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce, in providing the neutron research facilities used in this work.

Please send information on accepted publications (authors, title, journal, etc.) to Julie Keyser by e-mail:, fax: (301) 869-4770, or to the address below:

Julie Keyser
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Bldg. 235, Room B104
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 6100
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-6100

Also please send this information to Antonio Faraone and/or local contact(s) associated with the work described.

The DAVE software package is generally used to analyze and/or reduce data obtained using the NSE Spectrometer. If you used the DAVE software package please include a reference to the following paper: R.T. Azuah, L.R. Kneller, Y. Qiu, P.L.W. Tregenna-Piggott, C.M. Brown, J.R.D. Copley, and R.M. Dimeo, "DAVE: A comprehensive software suite for the reduction, visualization, and analysis of low energy neutron spectroscopic data", J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stan. Technol. 114, 341 (2009). Thanks again!

Washington Editorial Review Board (WERB)

Please be aware that all papers with NIST coauthors must be reviewed and approved by the Washington Editorial Review Board (WERB). Members of WERB are concerned not only with scientific merit but with three specific matters: measurement uncertainties, the use of SI units, and brand names. For more detailed information please read the NIST Technical Publication Policy, and/or speak with your NIST coauthor(s).

The NSE pages are maintained by Antonio Faraone
Last modified 2010.09.02