International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems

- Fundamentals and Applications -

Registration Form

To register for this symposium, please complete the form below.

After submitting this form, you will obtain your registration number and registration key via e-mail. Your registration key will be used to authenticate you when submitting abstracts/papers, and initiating payments. You should include your registration number (i.e. MH0001) when submitting payment for this symposium.

Otherwise, if you have already registered, but cannot locate the confirmation email containing your registration key/number, click here to resend it.

Registration Form
First Name:
Last Name:
Zip/Postal Code:
Survey Question:
Would you be interested in a group excursion (~$30/person) to Haleakala National Park?
If yes, for how many persons?
Work Phone:
E-Mail Address:
Confirm E-Mail Address:
Please verify your e-mail address before submitting your registration.